Today I speak, in the language I know … What about these colours makes me flow?
Gently I open doors closed afore … Maybe diving deep, will bring me to shore?”

The collections presented here are a reflection of my inner journey… of exploring, of discovering, of realisations, of overcoming limitations, of creating and finding my own potential. Every form, every shape that arose from this transformation has a story to tell. It’s never been an end, but always a new beginning…

I strongly believe that we all have a deep connect with each colour and with art in general. I would encourage you to explore your own subconscious and see how you react according to your own level of affinity with these artworks. While reflecting, you may identify with traces of emotions with each colour or form that I have left behind on the canvas, that may allow you to feel your own connections despite different references and perspectives. After all, it is what you see, and not what I see…