“Colours are the deeds of light, its deeds and sufferings…” Goethe

Hi!!! I’m a registered Art Therapist with the Holistic Art Therapists Association (HATA) offering creative art therapy workshops for connecting with your inner muse.

My journey as an art therapist began in 2013, when i was introduced to Art Therapy by Leila Tayebaly, founder of the Arts and Therapy School in Mumbai. As i worked and trained with Leila, my teacher, my mentor, i found myself surrounded with colours and their power! From being chained to my fear of flying, to finding the freedom to explore the world once again became possible through this form of colour therapy. My fondness for colours and their influence over me led me further to study their chemistry and their intimate relationship with emotions and psyche, over a period of 5 years, to become an Art Therapist.

My love of using art to help people connect with their creative self as well as their inner strengths led me to work with them for their therapeutic needs. I strongly believe we all are creative beings, and it is this power of our creative expression that is used for therapeutic means in my workshops. The primary goal of these Art Therapy workshops is to improve one’s creativity, well being and the everyday functioning. One doesn’t have to be ‘good at art’ to benefit from art therapy.

This form of creative expression, using “wet on wet watercolour” technique, is more than just an art class. Not only is the creative process enjoyable in its own right, but when one is making art, one is taking part in a process of self discovery. All one needs is a brush, colours, paper and a child like enthusiasm to try this medium.

My work as an art therapist has grown to include the other expressive arts, like conte crayons, sketching, charcoal, pastels, form drawing and oil painting.

I am also one of the founding directors for Holistic Art Therapy Association. If you want to know more about Art Therapy and its benefits visit the HATA website ( ).

How does Art Therapy work ?

I conduct art based exercises, specifically curated to understand the nature of colours and how they affect the human soul. Each exercise is created out of schooling of light, darkness and colour, for a specific purpose. These help opening up the heart and soul, lifting the veil of the everyday and connecting us back to the wonders of the world around us.

The artworks shown below are based on those exercises by clients in the workshops.

Plant Series…the cycle of life!

“I’ve died a thousand deaths, each time reinventing myself brighter, stronger and purer than before. From the midst of destruction, i became the creator of myself. From the midst of darkness, i became my own source of light…” Christen Rogers

Circle of Goethe… bringing the inner balance!

“Let me, O let me bathe my soul in colours; Let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow…” Khalil Gibran

Metamorphosis… you could be a caterpillar one moment and a butterfly next!

“A metamorphosis has come over us. It was something internal, an electrical pulse in the brain, some slight variation in the aortic
rhythm that has forever altered our states, transformed our external structures. We were not who we had been, nor yet hat we would
become…” Cliff James

Higher Colours… evolving to the higher self!

“To shift your life in a desired direction, you must powerfully shift your consciousness …” Kevin Michel

Wonder Series: Its your road and yours alone!

“Everybody has a different journey. Everybody has a different path, and you don’t know really what to expect. All you know is just to keep plugging away, and you hope that something will come through and something will happen… “ Grace Gealey

The Workshops:

If the above artworks inspire you to create art then connect with me for more information. At present i hold my Art Therapy workshops on a weekly basis in Mumbai. To book a class or for a free trial session “write in”